spirulina recipe
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Ice Cream for Breakfast! (with Spirulina)
Not real ice cream of course, but something that tastes an awful lot like it, and yes I do serve this to my children for breakfast, and why not -- it is basically almonds, bananas, flax oil and green powders!! The secret to making these things taste so good together is the combination of stevia an herb that is very sweet without adding calories or sugar, generous amounts of carob powder, real vanilla extract and very important -- a few drops of real peppermint extract.
You won't believe that something so healthy can taste so good unless you try this one yourself!! I created this recipe looking for something mostly raw and alkalinizing that I could feed my children, which might also allow me to sneak in various health promoting but unpleasant tasting ingredients.
Breakfast "Ice Cream"
1 cup raw almonds (soaked)
1 cup cold water
1 cup chopped ice
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
4 drops peppermint extract
1/4 tsp. liquid stevia
2 TBS Barley Green (or any green powder)
2 tsp. spirulina
4 TBS toasted Carob powder
1 TBS flax oil
3 frozen bananas
The night before:
1. Peel and slice three ripe (lightly spotted) bananas and place them into a ziplock bag and put into the freezer until frozen solid.
2. Measure out 1 cup of raw almonds into a bowl and cover with water and allow to sit on the counter overnight.
In the morning:
3. Drain all liquid off of the almonds and place into a blender, add one cup of COLD water and run on high for about 2 minutes until it becomes a white liquid.
4. Add 1 cup of chopped ice, 1/2 tsp. of vanilla 4 drops of peppermint extract, 1/4 tsp. of stevia, 1 TBS of flax oil (could use a combo of flax, borage and evening primrose instead) and mix on low until fairly well blended.
5. While blender is still running on lowest speed carefully add 2 TBS of barley green, 2 tsp. spirulina and 4 TBS carob powder right in the very center. (This will keep powders from ended up on the side of the blender jar instead of in your ice cream!)
6. Add the frozen banana slices and blend on high until it is creamy, like soft serve. You may need to turn blender off and mix by hand with a spoon occasionally.
Serves Three.
You can increase the amount of frozen banana to make it taste even better -- but this also increases the fruit sugar and will negate some of the alkalinizing effect of the finished product.
You can squeeze three capsules of Neuromins (DHA) into the blender right before serving -- but be sure to add some liquid vitamin E at the same time to protect this very important and highly perishable essential fatty acid.
Powdered zinc, and powdered Co-Q10 can also be completely disguised in this recipe as well.
Enjoy. (courtesy of www.compassionatesouls.com)